Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Learning from my Reflections

1. Writing regularly and routinely is better than ‘when I feel like it’. 2. Being in a critique group is a great opportunity to receive feedback from my peers and I need to trust my inner voice to be able to provide honest critique to my peers, as much as I want them to do the same for me. 3. I need to sow more seed ideas in order to reap the benefits of having ideas to work on. 4. Broadening my horizons by participating in a variety of activities and interests fosters new ideas & relationships 5. At the same time, I need to give uninterrupted time to working on projects for extended time periods.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Year in Review - Reflections on a Picture Book Writers Journey

*I joined the *Wrote 3 drafts of manuscripts *Submitted 2 manuscripts *Attended a writer's workshop and a conference *Participated in an online critique group *Joined a local critique group *Read 150 picture books through my participation with *Participated in *Reorganized my office/writing space *Tried my best to do something everyday that related to kidlit