Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Direction: February 2016 update

After about four years of no posts, I am writing an update. During these last years I was working as the library lady at a local K - 9 school, managing the library for around 700 students and 50 staff on a part time basis. During that time I did fundraising (over $30,000), hosted authors, helped staff find resources, students find books, shelved books, ordered books (over 2000), got rid of a lot of old outdated books, reorganized shelves, went from running the Follett system to learning and implementing the new system called Symphony (Syrsidynix) which meant rebarcoding all the books in the library. At the same time, I was also dealing with various family issues that needed my time and attention. I am now on a new journey towards writing for children. I now post my book reviews on Goodreads,and I recently signed up for the 12 X 12 Challenge and joined some critiquing groups for writers. I am continuing to enjoy the journey and look forward to what the future holds.