Rondi DeBoer and Christine Tangvald
Illustrated by Ariel Pang
Price: $16.99
ISBN: 978-0-8007-1956-2
ISBN-10: 0-8007-1956-5
Dimensions: 6 x 7.5
Number of pages: 384
Carton Quantity: 24
Publication Date: Aug. 11
Formats: Hardcover
This beautifully illustrated version of Bible stories is written as a guide for parents of young children to introduce the truths of scripture to children at an early age. As the subtitle suggests, the book is a compilation of various stories from the Old and New Testament. Along with a “Faith Foundation”, a “Key Verse” and “Family Fun” suggestions; this delightful book would appeal to children from ages 3 – 8. Early readers will enjoy reading the words in the larger font, while a parent or older sibling could read the rest of the story. One example of the writing style used in this book can be found on pages 234 and 235. In the story called “Lazarus Lives”; a simple picture of Jesus looking up into a mauve and white sky with tears streaming down his face with the words “Jesus wept.” in a large font, followed by “His tears fell like raindrops in a dark storm.” in a smaller font. Ariel Pang illustrates the stories in simple, colorful and appealing ways.
The Family Talk section following this story depicts the concept of “Jesus has power over Death” as the Faith Foundation, and gives John 11:25-26 as the Key Verse. (Scripture is taken from GOD’S WORD®, © 1995 God’s Word to the Nations.) This version of the Bible is simple and readable; appropriate for younger readers. The authors, mother and daughter team; Randi DeBoer and Christine Tangvald suggest in the Note to Adults, that parents consider making a Bible Story Binder to go along with the reading of this book as a place to save artwork that the child creates as they progress through the book. Another example of how children can be engaged in the reading of this book is the Seek and Find Fun; there are 77 butterflies illustrated throughout the book for children to discover as they look at the illustrations.
Finally, the authors encourage not only the reading of this book with children, but they point to the importance of praying with them. I look forward to sharing this book with my grandchildren and a valuable resource for the children I teach in Children’s Church.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".